
Volunteer Opportunity: SWAT Team Training

The HCSO SWAT team has scheduled training for Thursday, August 30th from 7:30a to 3:00p during which they will need volunteers to act as Role Players for DOD House/Vehicle breach and hostage rescue scenarios.

0700-0730 Setup DOD House/Vehicle/Role Players
0730-0800 Script Role Players
0800-0830 Deployment
0830-1000 Work the scenario
1000-1030 Hot wash
1030-1130 Train on Hasty Assaults
1130-1300 Break/Lunch/Scenario Setup-Deliberate HR
1300-1400 Conduct Deliberate HR with Vehicle
1400-1500 Hot wash and train on Deliberate HR
1500-1700 Live Fire/Sniper Initiated HR into vehicle
          Exploration of Squad Differences.

If you are interested in assisting the SWAT Team in their training exercise on Thursday, August 30th, please contact me and I will get more information for you.


Jeff Jordan