President's Blog

Fundraiser (Update: 08/09/2021)

Good morning Alumni!

It’s getting down to crunch time; if we want the Gun Raffle to be the success we all know it can be, we need to step up our game! As of last count, we have sold 192 tickets – that leaves 508 left to sell if we want to meet our goal (which we ABSOLUTELY DO!) When Jack & Ruth presented this fundraiser as something we may like to do, there were many who said, YES, let’s do this! So, LET’S DO THIS! I know it’s difficult for some to volunteer to work the events that are scheduled; but, there are other ways you can help. If you want to help us reach our goal, please get with Jack or me and get some tickets to sell. Would you be able to sell 2, 5, 10, or more tickets? YES! That is absolutely doable!

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much! ~ Helen Keller

Cathy Gieselman, President
HCCSA Alumni Association

9 Aug 21